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Mobile phone:+86.13715726066
The phone:+86-768-6202539
The url: www.zhihengfenbi.com
Address:Guangdong chaozhou xiang bridge phosphorus creek town industrial zone after the tower
- The usefulness of cloth cutting a piece of chalk[2014-7-1]
- Cloth cutting tailor's chalk tend to have what use? , it is said that the cloth cutting chalk is mainly used to delimit the clothes clipping lines, convenient pattern cutter for cutting. Whatever we now what cloth cutting chalk will also have magical
- What are the types of chalk?[2014-7-1]
- Zhiheng chalk chalk production by types are:Teaching, ship chalk chalk, Environmental friendly chalk, process chalk, toys, clothing tailor's chalk, medicine chalk chalk, six arrises chalk, etc., can also be customized according to customer demand pro
- What is a green chalk[2014-7-1]
- Added a small amount of Environmental friendly chalk moistureproof agent, so the Environmental friendly chalk storage for a long time also won't spoil. And ordinary chalk is different, common chalk long time storage is extremely easy to moisture abso
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